AENOR Confía S.A. (Unipersonal)

Accreditation ID 8993
Organization AENOR Confía S.A. (Unipersonal)
Genova n 6. 28004, Madrid, Spain
Letter Code AEN
Accreditation Certificate  Certificate
 Scope of Accreditation
Scope Granted Valid Through
Validation of assertions related to GHG emission reductions & removals at the project level
01. GHG emission reductions from fuel combustion 10/16/2024 4/22/2026
03. Land Use and Forestry 4/26/2022 4/22/2026
03b. World Bank Forest Carbon Partnership Facility 4/26/2022 4/22/2026
Verification of assertions related to GHG emission reductions & removals at the project level
01. GHG emission reductions from fuel combustion 10/16/2024 4/22/2026
03. Land Use and Forestry 4/22/2021 4/22/2026
03b. World Bank Forest Carbon Partnership Facility 4/22/2021 4/22/2026