Intertek Testing Services Argentina S.A.

Organization Intertek Testing Services Argentina S.A.
Cerrito Street 1136, 3rd Floor Front, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, C1010AAX, Argentina
Letter Code ITSA
Scope Status
Validation of assertions related to GHG emission reductions & removals at the project level Scope Extension
01. GHG emission reductions from fuel combustion Scope Extension
02. GHG emission reductions from industrial processes (non-combustion, chemical reaction, fugitive and other) Scope Extension
04. Carbon Capture and Storage Scope Extension
05. Livestock Scope Extension
Verification of assertions related to GHG emission reductions & removals at the project level Scope Extension
01. GHG emission reductions from fuel combustion Scope Extension
02. GHG emission reductions from industrial processes (non-combustion, chemical reaction, fugitive and other) Scope Extension
04. Carbon Capture and Storage Scope Extension
05. Livestock Scope Extension
Verification of assertions related to GHG emissions and removals at the organizational level Scope Extension
10. Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) Scope Extension