SBC - Servico Brasileiro de Certificacoes

Organization SBC - Servico Brasileiro de Certificacoes
354 Major Moura Campos St., Bairro Alto, Botucatu/SP, 18601-040, Brazil
Letter Code SBC
Scope Status
International Featured Standards (IFS) Food, Version 7 October 2020 Applicant
Product Category 01: Red and white meat, poultry and meat products Applicant
Product Category 02: Fish and fish products Applicant
Product Category 03: Egg and egg products Applicant
Product Category 04: Dairy products Applicant
Product Category 05: Fruits and Vegetables Applicant
Product Category 06: Grain products, cereals, industrial bakery and pastry, confectionary, snacks Applicant
Product Category 07: Combined products Applicant
Product Category 08: Beverages Applicant
Product Category 09: Oils and fats Applicant
Product Category 10: Dry goods, other ingredients and supplements Applicant
Product Category 11: Pet food Applicant